A cytoplasmic nontransport K+/Rb+ site in the P-domain of the Na+, K+-atpase has been identified by anomalous difference Fourier map analysis of crystals of the [ Rb 2]?E2? mgf 42- form of the enzyme. The functional roles of this third ...
We have clearly sensed the tradition and pride, that the project is founded on," states partner Klaus Toustrup. The other first prize in the competition for the Kristiansund Opera and Cultural Centre goes to the Norwegian firm Space ...
tilladelser var gyldige og i orden. Kontakt os gerne via mail eller telefon hvis der er sp?rgsm?l. Med venlig hilsen, Mikkel & Trine Andersen Toustrup Stationsvej 36 8472 Sporup Privat mobil 20156998/ arbejdsmobil 30360557 ...